Los Amigos update and Rotaract’s “pallet school”

The Los Amigos project is some kind of awesome!  They have acquired older service vehicles (ambulances, fire trucks, etc) and then deliver them to communities in Mexico that have none.  And better yet, they designed a training program so that the recipients of this equipment know how to effectively use this equipment.  They also delivered uniforms and personal protective gear for these folks.  What an amazing contribution!  The next delivery of vehicles is November , 2018.  Pictured above is Wayne Stewart, City Fire Chief Richard Hildebrand, Chris – one of the trainers who used his vacation days to train folks in Mexico and a Rotarian with the Sunrise Rotary Club (who I failed to get his name… oops).


Also, Katelyn Deboer from the U of L Rotaract club gave an update on the “pallet school” project.  This group of young Rotarians found a bunch of kids trying to learn in a shack with a tin roof and pallet walls.  They saw a need and funded a new , modern school…. air-conditioned and earthquake proof!  How many children will benefit from this awesome school?


Katelyn is below with President Mandy;



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