Group Benefits

Tailored Solutions for Every Employee’s Needs

In today’s fast-paced world, health and wellness are more important than ever. We offer customized solutions that address the unique needs of each employee, from newcomers to those managing complex health situations. Our agents explain our offerings in simple terms, ensuring your team understands and benefits from our services. Our goal is to support your employees’ growth, creating a healthier, more secure workforce.

Our agents explain the best possible options in simple terms, ensuring your team understands and benefits from our services. Our goal is to support your employees’ growth, creating a healthier, more secure workforce.

“Your journey to growth and wellbeing starts here. Our tailored solutions support your team’s health and personal development.”
A custom-designed and fully supported employee benefits plan is a key resource for maximizing your team’s health and performance.
Comprehensive and Hassle-Free Solutions

Our process for determining the best employee group benefits coverage is straightforward and stress-free. We start by understanding your specific requirements and leverage our extensive experience as brokers licensed in Alberta, BC, and Saskatchewan. By accessing options from Canada’s top benefit insurers, we create comprehensive and cost-effective packages tailored to your team’s unique needs. Our expert advice ensures your employees get the best possible benefits, from health and dental to vision and specialized coverage.

Independent Expertise

As an independent broker, we source the best benefit components to fit your needs and budget. Our team of professionals shares a passion for building and maintaining optimal employee benefits plans, providing the resources and support your team needs to utilize them effectively.  We are experts in navigating the complex reality of employee benefits, so you don’t have to be.  

CEHT – Our ‘In-House’ Option

We proudly offer the Caring Employers Healthy Teams (CEHT) Collaborative, a unique program exclusive to our agency. CEHT uses block pricing to provide small to mid-sized companies with the purchasing power of large conglomerates. Members enjoy reduced premiums and access to exclusive coverage options. This program makes high-quality employee benefits accessible and affordable for businesses of all sizes. Learn more about the CEHT Collaborative here.

In today’s competitive market, a business with a top-performing team has a definitive advantage.
Talk to Us Today

Whether you’re exploring options for the first time, considering a change, or looking to maximize an existing plan, we are here to help. Our team of experts provides personalized guidance and support, simplifying the process and delivering exceptional value through tailored benefit packages. Contact us today to enhance your employees’ well-being and secure the best solutions available.